“I am invincible. ”
Charlotte has an immoderate love for culture, coffee and grapefruit. Between these 3 passions, she juggles without any downtime with the many responsibilities involved in running a place like the Pavillon. Just like owning crypto-currency, the job of coordinator should be forbidden to people with a weak heart. And that's just good news, because underneath her exterior of a river elf lies a bulldozer of culture, a hurricane ready to tear down a massive amount of work which would make anyone else cry like a baby. However, our coordinator is not a hard worker just for the sake of the challenge. She has a real vision and the need to blossom in a meaningful activity. This is why she offers exhibitions at the Pavillon that appeal to the imagination and sensitivity of visitors while allowing them to reflect on the current issues which our society is currently facing.
Every day, armed with her 10 coffees and 30 grapefruits, she strives to make this new place of experimentation a place of learning and interdisciplinary sharing. An example to follow.